Learn to see the situation differently. This crisis does not have to appear the way that it does. The world is no more real than a movie. Truly.
But you are going to have to travel a lot of territory before you arrive at that point. Until then, the best advice is going to prove unsatisfactory.
Read on, therefore.
'A spectacle' the present economic climate is called, and in that the commentators are right. Righter than they imagine. The world is something to behold. A movie is not that bad an analogy.
Ask yourself what a movie is. Something you sit through for a limited period, right? Something that absorbs you for a spell. In a movie to get to experience all sorts of situations vicariously. But it ends. You leave. You come to and realize that the whole thing was only a show.
Now, how is that different from your earthly existence?
You say that the world will not stop when you cash in your chips. Is that right? Are you sure about that? Just because it keeps going in spite of the absence of many billions, that does not mean that the same thing will happen when you take your leave. From your point of view it most definitely stops. And from every living being's perspective.
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