Persistent little devil, aren’t you? Look, it depends your definition. Let’s just say that there are life forms. Right then—and let’s just suppose that in some specific measure they are not all the same. What I’m suggesting is that the size of their ‘aural envelopes’ vary. Dare I propose that there are levels of consciousness?
Very well, please pay attention. My next trick is to opine that in some way it might be possible to compare and rank that difference. But be clear, I’m not claiming that any life form is superior or more worthy than another. ‘We’re all the same, yet we’re all different.’ Why should that be such a difficult concept? I don’t see it as a two-horned dilemma.
Anyway, here’s my answer. I’m going to postulate that that being that somehow stands above the rest is the One. Let’s nominate it as King. Or Emperor, even God. Hey, who remains to be upset? Doesn’t my reasoning stand up to reason?
As to whether that numero uno is up to the task we level onto its shoulders is another matter. Omniscient, omnipresent . . . and all those other ‘Oms’, well, we don’t know. Who is to say what its attributes are. I’m not going to go there. And unless or until it effects a self-introduction, I’m not going to worry in the least. I mean, it’s going to have at least as great a sense of humor and forbearance as me. By definition.
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