Monday, March 23, 2009

What is your hobby?

Gosh, that's a question I haven't been asked for ages. Not in donkey's years. Maybe the concept of a hobby has become outdated.

But I must admit to a good read. That, and writing. Which involves a balance between the two. It doesn't do to indulge too much in one or the other.

I find it amazing to think that by looking at squiggles upon the page (or screen) that that places me within someone else's head. Don't you agree? I mean, how crazy is that?

However it happens, I am stimulated by the thoughts that drive the worlds of others, and I benefit from tapping into some of that centrifugal force, just a touch.

But, if I let myself get completely carried away, then I risk losing my own sense of equilibrium and poise. This is why I need to write myself--to counter balance that input, and to produce my own individual statement.

Therefore, a little cross pollination works wonders. Try it! But don't dwell entirely within anyone's headroom, no matter how comfortable it feels to you now.

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