Sunday, February 22, 2009

What of your human failings?

What of them, indeed?

'Failings' is a loaded word. As is 'deficiencies' or 'imperfections'. I think it's best not to think along those lines.

Primarily I see myself--as I suppose does everyone else--from the centre of the universe. Nothing odd about that. That is how it's meant to be. And yet, such a frame of reference does tend to induce delusions of grandeur. The trick, therefore, is to somehow reconcile that viewpoint, or awareness, that while you may be God you're not everything you would like to be.

Enlightenment as it is commonly accepted to be is a fallacy, alas. The sad reality is knowledge of the whys and wherefores that pertain to the spiritual field does not make you perfect in every (other) way. And yet that is what people expect. That is their fond belief. That's the litmus test they use for wannabe masters. Where they go go wrong is to measure themselves with that yardstick.

I too have been guilty of that. I've looked down my nose at my own self. I've found myself lacking. And so in spite of a metaphysical grasp which I know is unique and uncommon, I feel constrained and constricted. I cannot express that hard-wrested know-how. I've been too self conscious to explore that knowledge in a public arena, because deep down I felt that I ought first to have a unified front.

I used to think that I had to deal with my set of shortcomings, fix them, before feeling that I deserved to be heard and taken seriously. Or take my own self seriously. That self-imposed handicap has therefore always, inevitably, bogged me down.

I'm learning to arise above all that--that way of looking at myself (and at others)--not those so-called limitations.

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