Me a genius?
Ingenious, yes. Ingenuous, undoubtedly. But I know myself too well to be comfortable with being tabbed a genius.
Oh, I've got my good points. I'm in the top few percent in terms of IQ (about 145), but am woefully lacking in certain other areas. So it goes. You can't have everything.
But does it matter? Does it take a genius to be able to get your head around the important essence of life, the universe and everything? I don't think so. It would be a very unfair power-that-be to have set things up in that way.
So, I'm special only to the degree that I am unique. As is everyone else--I know, I know, that smacks/reeks of a New Age platitude--but if the shoe fits . . .
Don't be tempted to leave philosophy up to the experts.
I've never yet met anyone who fit that box.
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