Have I an ulterior motive: to turn you into a believer?
No way! Cross my heart. I wouldn't do that to you or anyone.
Whilst I agree that it's likely pearls are embedded in the writings of all the organized religions, I subscribe to none of them. Not in toto. Deep down the thought rubs me up the wrong way, even though, strangely, I can think of nothing more pleasant than to sit down and talk and exchange spiritual views. The nature of life et cetera.
All it would take for that to occur is for everyone to have formulated his or her 'religion'--a personal take, viewpoint or position. But without a vested interest. Without a personal stake. They ought not to feel compelled to promote or defend it. Or to convince others. Or to show them the errors of their ways.
Could you that?
But as for organized religions . . .
To me, taking on board a story mapped out by other people is nothing but a cop-out. I've felt that from the earliest age that I could think. These prepackaged philosophical narratives (and I have no time for the established philosophies that exist either) are only useful in that they provide a ready-made excuse not to think for oneself, and to give up that power to another, or to a theocracy.
I don't swallow any particular theory, and I don't expect you to swallow everything I say either. You may rely on that (just don't 'believe').
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